Sunday, June 26, 2016

6 Steps to a Life that Tastes Good

I was re-reading an old email from Sage Lavine, Women's Business Coach (she's a mentor of mine, we just haven't met yet), and in that video, she shared a video with the following advice:

"Being a FREE spirit takes great discipline."

Um..YES, LAWD!!! So much truth.

A big reason I started coaching is because I know that a LOT of women struggle with putting their needs first. As women, we are conditioned  from an early age to throw ourselves on the sword in order to keep everyone else happy. As your Delicious Living Coach, I am here to give you permission to put YOU first. To help you reclaim your freedom to be you and live life on your terms. But if I'm being honest, that shit is hard. As. Hell. Mostly because it requires a willingness to get uncomfortable and make difficult decisions. Like the decision to cut certain people out of your life. Or to ask for that raise that you were hoping your boss would volunteer. Or even...dare I say not take on another commitment so you can instead do something that makes YOU feel good (GASP!)

So how does one START this journey to Free Spirit Land? By deciding to be FIERCE. Here are 6 steps you can take to step into your fierce, free, and truly DELICIOUS life:

F-Free up your calendar for "Me Time" (and be fiercely protective of it!)
I-Identify your "invisible scripts"(When did you decide that your needs should come last?What limiting beliefs are you holding onto?And what stories are you telling yourself to keep your "delicious life" dreams at bay?)
E-Engage in extreme self-care (Make sure that your cup is full before you pour into anything that may drain you.)
R-Reject your rejectors  and decide that your self-worth is never on the line ('cause it isn't!)
C-Communicate with power (ask for what you want, say "No" to what you don't want, and speak up about your feelings when you feel them)
E-Express, don't impress. Do what makes sense to you and release the pressure to perform or meet other people's standards.
Rinse and repeat for a life that tastes good! (And let me know which step you enjoy most!)

P.S. If you want to read the blog post that Sage shared in that email, check it out here.
P.P.S. If you want some help implementing my F.I.E.R.C.E formula in your life,  click here, so we can talk about what that would look like!