Friday, July 3, 2015

Here's to you

The truth of the matter is, I have no idea what I'll be talking about in this blog. All I know is that I have to write something. I have to write for women like me. And for women that remind me of my former self, the self that used to ask for permission to truly enjoy life.

 I'm writing this blog for all the women determined to do good (in the world) but afraid of looking bad.For the "good girls" too busy keeping everyone else comfortable to notice their internal light dimming. For the purpose-driven women who are passionate about making an impact but unsure of where to start.  And the women desperate to make a clean break from  conformist clock-in culture. I write for women who want to invest in themselves but worry that they're not enough. And for the women who dream of making it big but have gotten comfortable staying small. I hope that this blog resonates with women who aren't exactly sure of their strengths, but refuse to  accept that their life is purposeless.

I'm posting this for the independent women who are sick and  tired of trying to convince their mothers that they really are fine without a man in their lives. For the tomboys, the freaks, the nerds, the "other" women. For the trans* women  caving under the pressure to "pass"  as female, and for the lesbian,bi, and queer-identified women sick and tired of trying to perform their womanhood up to standard. I wanna let women everywhere know that they are "doing" womanhood just fine, as long as it works for them. And if it doesn't, I hope I can help them find what they need to feel complete.

I'm talking to the free spirits trapped in approval junkies' bodies and for the  quirky queens exhausted from years of trying to force a square peg into a round hole. I'm writing this  for the women who occur to others as confident and self-expressed, but have been hiding under a cloak of perfection and hoping no one notices that they don't actually have it all together. And for the goddesses that understand that confidence isn't about convincing yourself that everybody loves you, but about accepting that others' opinions of you are irrelevant.

Dream, Leap, Live posts are for women who have the audacity to expect more from life. Women well-trained to stay quiet about what they want so as to avoid rocking the boat. Women who hold themselves back from orgasm because they don't know that they deserve to feel good too. Women who fail to assert themselves because they would rather be approachable than unique.

I want to speak to women who are done apologizing for wanting to indulge. Women who want to learn how to distinguish between intuition and resistance, so that their inner voice isn't silenced by a need to stay "safe" or "practical." Women turned on by the idea of a life that  isn't fueled by external validation. Women who need a companion on the journey to self-acceptance. I want to remind women in as many ways as possible that it is their birth right to live deliciously. I know that it's  a long journey to getting 100% comfortable in your skin. I hope that you'll join me. Welcome to Dream, Leap, Live.

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